By issuing serial bonds, the company spreads its principal pay-ments over time and avoids paying the entire principal at one time. 通过发行分期还本债券,公司把本金的偿还期限分开,避免了一次支付全部本金。
With respect to corporate bonds already issued, the issuing company shall return funds paid to the subscribers, together with interest calculated at the rate on bank deposits for the same term. 已经发行公司债券的,发行的公司应当向认购人退还所缴款项并加算银行同期存款利息。
The issuing company may sell the paper directly to the dealer. 发行公司可能直接将票据出售给交易商。
The maturity value is the amount the issuing company must pay to redeem the bond at the date it matures. 到期值是发行公司在债券到期日必须偿付的金额。
Issuing nonvoting stock allows a company to raise additional capital while maintaining management control and continuity without diluting voting power. 发行无投票权股票允许公司在不被稀释投票权以维持管理层控制和连续性的情况下来增资。
With no maturity date, they allow the issuing company to pay the money back any time it wants. 这种债券没有到期日,发行企业想赎回就随时可以赎回。
Providing reliable legal advice and necessary legal documents of issuing listed company shares and securities for the securities underwriters and listed companies; 为证券承销机构和上市公司发行、上市股票、债券提供可靠的法律咨询意见和必备的法律文件;
Providing legal basis, and issuing legal opinions on the company decision of practicability and risk issues; 为公司的人力资源管理提供法律依据,对其决策的可行性、风险性等问题出具法律意见书;
In case of issuing convertible company bonds, material terms, ratings or guaranties shall be recorded. 发行可转换公司债券的,应载明主要发行条款、评级或担保情况。
New Stock Issue, referring to the first issuing of a company's common stocks to the general public and their first trading at securities exchange is an extremely important step in bridging the first grade and second grade stock market. 首次公开发行又称新股发行,是指公司的普通股票第一次向公众公开发行,并随即在证券交易所挂牌交易。
The thesis provides the theory gist and empirical method for issuing company and investors. 为发行公司发行可转换债券和投资者选择如何投资可转换债券提供了理论依据和实证方法。
The issuance of DR involves the Issuing Company, Deposit Bank, Trustee Bank and investors. All the parties sign a series of contracts to finish the issuance of DR. 存托凭证发行过程中涉及的主要当事人有发行公司、存托银行、托管银行及投资人,当事人通过签署一系列基础协议实现存托凭证的发行目标,并在各当事人之间形成合同关系。
At its most simplistic level, asset securitization is the issuance of a debt instrument backed by a revenue-producing asset of the issuing company. 最简单的说,资产证券化是以发行公司的能产生现金流的资产为支撑而发行的有价债券。
The article reviews the process of issuing and enacting Chinese Company Law. 回顾中国公司法颁布和实施以来的情况。
Investing convertible bond can have an income guarantee, share achievement of issuing company and the rising of the stock price. 对投资者来说,收益有保障,可以分享发行公司业绩增长和股票价格的上涨带来的转股收益,还可以规避一些政策限制。
By gaming between the issuing company and the investors, this paper analyzes the decision objectives and the optimal behaviors for the company to exert the options of adjusting the strike price and the option of redemption after the issuing of convertible bonds. 本文从公司和投资者之间的博弈入手,研究可转债发行后,发行公司在行使调整转股价格的权利和赎回的权利时的决策目标和最优决策行为。
It proves that it's important to reform the stock issuing and company managing system of listed companies. 济南现象从一个侧面说明变革上市公司现有股票发行体制和管理体制的必要性和紧迫性。
Different clause design has great influence to issuing company and investors. 不同的条款设计对发行公司和投资者的收益和风险都有很大影响,条款设计是可转换债券发行成功的关键因素。
From the initial plant manager responsibility system of factory director, to issuing the company law, carrying on the reform of making of company, and then get to invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones, adjust the property right structure of state-owned enterprise. 从最初的厂长经理负责制,到颁布公司法、进行公司制改革,再到抓大放小、调整国有企业产权结构。
What happened in the Enterprises of developed countries is investing with its own capital first, then borrowing money from banks or issuing company bonds, and, at last, issuing shares. 发达国家企业一般是先用内部资金积累进行投资,然后向银行借款或发行债券,最后才发行股票。
Just because of the option character of convertible bond, the issuing company can set a comparatively lower interest for the convertible bond. 同时也正因为可转换公司债券的这一点期权性,发行公司可以以较一般债券更低的利率向投资者发行。
To issuing company, it faces these risks: issuing failing risk, ownership right dilution risk, interest rate risk, converting failing risk, and so on. 发行公司面临的风险有:发行失败风险、股权稀释风险、利率风险、转股失败风险等。
As CBs holders, they can choose to hold bonds and ask the issuing company to pay interest and capital back or to convert the bonds to the underlying stocks to gain the dividend and premium. 对于可转换债券投资者而言,既可以选择持有债券,要求公司还本付息;也可选择在约定的时间内将债券转换成标的股票,享受股利分配或资本增值。
Therefore this part of research has the certain significance to the policy maker and the issuing company. 所以论文对这部分的研究对后续发行可转换债券的发行具有一定的启示作用。
As the focus of attention of participants in the bond market, credit risk assessment of the bonds issuing company has great influence on the interests of investors, bond market development, and the normal operation of the national economy. 对发债企业的信用风险的评估成为债券市场参与者关注的焦点,对信用风险的评估和控制不仅影响着投资者的利益,还关系着债券市场的健康发展,乃至国民经济的正常运行。
So as to enhance the process of issuing new shares of the company pricing information on the infiltration capacity of the transmission of information to enhance efficiency and new IPO price discovery efficiency. 从而提高新股发行定价过程中的公司相关信息的渗透能力,提升信息传递效率和新股IPO的价格发现效率。
This conclusion can provide reference for the securities regulatory departments and the issuing company. 这一结论将对证券监管部门政策制定以及发行公司提供借鉴作用。
The securities supervising administrative department in China brings in this system so that the sponsor can continuously instruct and supervise the issuing listed company, and finally enhance the quality of listed company and protect the interest of the investors. 我国证券监督管理部门引入该项制度意在形成保荐人对发行上市公司的持续性辅导监督,以期达到提高上市公司质量、保护投资者利益的最终目的。
Then select the 2009-2010 IPO companies listed on a sample of 90, and a hypothesis: My GEM IPO issuing company before the IPO underpricing and the level of earnings management is significantly positive correlation. 然后选择2009年至2010年上市的90家IPO公司作为样本,并提出假设:我国创业板发行公司的IPO抑价与IPO前盈余管理水平之间具有显著的正相关关系。
First, it is a bond and has the general characteristics of bonds. For the purposes of issuing company, It can be used as financing instruments; For investors, It is an investment tool with periodic interest payments. 首先它是一种债券,它具有一般债券的特征:对于发行公司而言,它可以作为筹资工具;对于投资者而言,它是一种投资工具并且定期支付利息,到期之后还本付息。